Before we leave this part of our trip - I've talked a lot about my Dad and his experience with Eighth Air Force here. It's only right that you meet him.
He was Staff Seargeant John Henderson Cox. He was an ordained minister in 1943, exempt from the draft when he volunteered for service. After a few twists and turns during his training process, he ended up an aerial gunner. He manned a 50 caliber machine gun from the waist window of a heavy bomber warding off the fighters of the German Luftwaffe.
Boot camp - Keesler Field, Biloxi. Lower right.
Air training - Southern Illinois Normal University. Carbondale, Illinois.
Gunnery School - Laredo, Texas
With some of the crew - Long Island, NY. Before boarding Queen Mary. 2nd from left. At the home of Pilot Ralph Sheringham.
At Old Buckenham, winter of 1944 - one of the coldest winters on record. If you've read about the harsh conditions for the Battle of the Bulge (Dec 44 thru Jan 45), you know what they were going through.
Biking through the English countryside - Spring 1944.
The Sheringham Crew - celebrates completion of last mission. Dad on the right.
The crew with supporting ground personnel - Dad lower right.
The enlisted men of the crew. There were 4 officers. Dad second from right.
1 comment:
Hi Doug. My name is Mickey Mahoney and my grandfather was Eugene L. Williams. Gene flew 9 or 10 missions with your father at Old Buck. He was a flight engineer and took Otto Scharmacher's place until he heeled from his flak injury. Sounds like you know a lot about the Sheringham crew. Any chance you know missions details or what planes they flew? I know LIl Nemo was one of them. Gene flew missions from November 44 to Feb. 45. I think we have a lot of the same photos. I can check if I have anything you don't. My email is
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